The following check list will help you to be sure of your purchase, or failing that, to consider the points that you must cover for the success of your proyecto when purchasing a ProyectECU
First Steps Tutorial (Recommendation of how to start an installation to avoid the most common errors) (ENGLISH VERSION)
First Steps Tutorial (Recommendation on how to start an installation to avoid the most common errors)
Driver, Program, Manual and Quick Guide
How to connect to your newly acquired ProyectECU (TUTORIAL 1) ENGLISH VERSION
How to connect to your newly acquired ProyectECU (TUTORIAL 1) SPANISH VERSION
2.0 (Windows 10 does not require drivers, it is installed automatically)
proyectECU PROCESSOR 2.0 USB Driver (WINDOWS 7) (ST) -Download the .exe file by clicking on the icon, select if Windows7 is 32bit or 64bit -Once downloaded, run it and click install
proyectECU USB driver (WINDOWS 7,8,10,11) (CH340) -Download the file from the page using the blue button -Once downloaded, run it and click install -It cannot be installed twice, so if an error appears it is because it was already installed!
proyectECU OSX USB Driver (MAC) -Download the file from the page using the blue button -Once downloaded, run the .pkg and click install