ProyectECU Kraken
Nueva gama de ECUs que ProyectECU tiene para ti
Kraken 8
Una computadora programable con opciones y configuracoines avanzadas y potentes!
Control para motor Full Stand alone, Se programa con TunerStudio.
Control para motor Stand Alone Spartan con nuevo procesador 7x mas veloz!!
Full sequential en inyeccion e ignicion hasta 8 cilindros (Posible configurar y reutilzar para mas salidas)
La ECU viene lista para usar Sensor CKP tipo VR (reluctante), Hall u Optico.
Consta de MAP interno de 4Bar (hasta 45psi)
- Control integrado DBW
- 2X entradas sensor Knock
- Salidas VVT por angulo (12V)
- Entradas VR con sensibilidad ajustable por RPM
El kit incluye:
– ECU Spartan
– Arnés de 1m 24 hilos
– Cable USB
– Software y manuales en area de descargas
Listado de Entradas y Salidas

-16×16 3D fuel and ignition maps, with base of either TPS (Alpha-N) or MAP (Speed Density)
-Decimal resolution for Timing advance
-After Start Enrichment
-Rev limiting (Spark based, hard and soft)(flames, explosions)
-Cranking specific enrichment, dwell timing and advance
-General logging through TunerStudio
-High speed tooth logging
-TPS calibration through TunerStudio
-Sensor calibration through TunerStudio (Coolant, IAT and O2)
-Warm Up Enrichment (WUE)
-TPS based acceleration enrichment
-Knock inputs
-VR sensing with senstivity adjustment
-Fuel pump activation/deactivation (With priming)
-Air contitioner control basic
-General outputs control (main relay, aux relays)
-Alternator control
-Battery voltage compensation for dwell and injectors
-Modular wheel decoder support
-Closed/open loop boost control
-Closed/open loop VVT control
-Closed/open loop O2 control
-Several CAN funtions/protocols supported
-Deceleration fuel cut off (DFCO)
-Launch control
-O2 based autotune (Registered version of TunerStudio required)